HOW IT WORKS: Each team is composed of 2 people. Each of these team members must, individually, catch and release a fish in each river. All fish must be measured and photographed in the measuring device provided by the 8 River Rodeo. The GOAL is for each of you to catch a fish in all 8 rivers over the course of two days. Sounds easy, right? Sign up now and see if you can do it!
Friday Rivers: Colorado, Roaring Fork, Frying Pan, and Crystal
Saturday Rivers: East, Taylor, Gunnison, and Spring Creek
- Enjoy Yourselves! You’re fishing with friends!
- Fly Fishing ONLY!
- Fishing is allowed on all public waters for each river. NO PRIVATE WATER!
- Teams consist of 2 people. Only 1 professional per team (a professional is anyone who has been paid to fish, i.e. guides, circuit competitors. If you sell or manufacture gear/ services ONLY you are not considered a “PRO” for this event.)
- Each team member will check in at the designated staging area and obtain their measuring device that identifies them as a competitor.
- Each angler must have a Colorado fishing license and obey all laws.
- Anglers may fish each river as long as they want in order to catch a bigger fish. Remember, you must complete all 8 rivers to qualify for prizes.
- Teams must stay together on each river, no splitting up between rivers.
- Each individual on a team must catch/record their own fish before moving to the next river. Teammates MAY help each other by spotting fish, netting, marking and photographing, etc. but may NOT cast to or land a fish for the other.
- Measuring is to be done with device provided for you by 8RR. Your cameras will be used to verify the reported sizes for prize winners. No photo-no prize.
- You may fish the all rivers from 1/2 hour before official sunrise to 1/2 hour after official sunset.
- If you don’t catch in all 4 Friday rivers there will be a make-up river on Saturday. River to be posted when you check-in.
- Turn your measuring device in at the designated area by 9 am on Sunday with your stats for each river. Bring your cameras with display to verify.
- Must attend the “Awards & BBQ Party” Sunday to qualify for prizes.
- Rivers may be changed due to low water levels or high water temperatures.
* Be Friendly at all times, even in trying situations, -you’ll be glad you did.
* Carry a plastic bag for refuse, and always try to leave a place better than you found it.
* Fish at least 100 ft from other anglers.
* Wet hands before handling fish, leaving them submerged as long as possible pre-photo.
* When able, walk the bank when changing locations – less stress on fish/river bottoms.
* Knock down the barbs on hooks or use barbless hooks.
– Have a great time, relax, not too serious now! Make a friend or twenty.
– It’s OK to hire or pay a guide’s entry to be a teammate.
– Local shops may have multi-river guide trips previous to the event to sharpen you up.
– Check the schedule and rules on the website often. Check in early.
– Don’t Hurry, Enjoy fishing itself, (“catching” is even better!). It’s for a good cause!